Thursday, October 9, 2008

I wasnt tagged...

But I wanted to do it anyhow =)

8 Things I am PASSIONATE About...
1. Jesus
2. Mia
3. Being a mommy
4. Family
5. Friends
6. Photography
7. Blogging
8. Work

8 "words" or "phrases" I say way to often...
2. Mia Renee!!!
3. Stoked
4. You Are Beautiful
5. I love you, I love you more, I love you most, I LOVED YOU FIRST!
6. I miss you, I need you, I want you, I love you!
7. Monkey
8. Snuggle With Mommy

8 Things I want to do before I die...
1. Raise my daughter
2. Visit other countries
3. Go on a cruise
4. Love myself
5. See my grandkids
6. Have faith in the male gender
7. Own my own salon
8. Buy my own home

8 Things I have learned From my past...
1. Prayer is powerful
2. I have to love myself above all
3. Some friends are closer than family
4. Family is everything
5. 'Cant' is not a word
6. The love for your child is stronger than any other
7. Trust mom, she always knows what's best!
8. He didnt deserve me

8 Places I would love to see...
1. Australia
2. Paris
3. Iceland
4. Virgin Islands
5. Montana
6. South America
7. Scotland
8. Alaska

8 Things I Currently Need or Want...
1. Bills paid
2. Scout, I miss him
3. A pedicure
4. New furniture
5. All Mia's friends and family at her birthday party
6. New clothes that fit
7. Security
8. More clients

8 More People I Tag!
1. No one...No one reads my blog haha!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Trains, Parties, & Remodeling!

Wow this last week has been a crazy busy one! We left on Tues for our vacation, we've been having an absolute blast! Our train ride was perfect (minus being almost 6 hours late to our destination!). Mia was awesome the whole ride, not one problem! We had lunch in the dining car and stuck around the sight seeing car a bit but for the most part we stuck to our seats since we had room for 6 and there were only 3 of us, it made for a comfy ride. It was nice to finally get here and sleep in a real bed though!

Once we got here we stayed at my uncles house for couple days waiting for the big surprise party!!! We did a little last minute shopping and spent time with our family we rarely get to see. Finally Friday got here, we were really late getting out the door but we made it to the party just before the guests of honor showed up thanks to my Tia's crazy Mexico driving!!! We walked in and were in AWE, the place was nothing we had imagined it would be, it was absolutely STUNNING! My mom started crying immediately, to her the price was expensive, but surely worth every penny! Everything was decorated in gold and creme colors, with balloons, beautiful real gold table settings, tulle hung from the ceiling, ahhh it was breathtaking!!! At last the guests of honor walked in, having no clue what was going on, immediately they were shocked, they couldn't believe mom and I had gone through all the trouble to get ALL of our family in one spot at the same time, it was amazing, a moment I will never forget. Everyone's eyes filled up with tears watching their faces full of happiness and joy. They were truly surprised, they both swelled up with tears and were just in was simply perfect! The party lasted for hours on end...saying hello to family I haven't seen in years, trying to communicate in my best 'spanglish' since the majority of them don't speak English. It certainly helped me brush up on some of my first language! Considering I didn't speak ANY English until I was FIVE and all I grew up knowing was Spanish and now I barely know any, well, other than some slang words haha! Anyhow the night was amazing and I have pictures to show later!

Today Mom and I revealed our gift to the guests of honor, we started tearing through the living room and did a complete remodel!!! Two years or so ago we remodeled their kitchen, it was in horrible shape and needed it BAD! Today was INSANE to say the least, we started breaking down walls, tearing out windows, did some re-framing, we put up new sheet rock, spackeled like crazy, painted and cleaned up the entire place! It looks great now! Not that it looked bad before, it was more old and beaten and battered though and definitely needed a face lift! Tomorrow we plan on tackling the bathroom which is going to be an even bigger task since we are moving the shower and putting a linen closet where the old shower is should be rather interesting...since it's just mom and I doing it! I'm glad that we can come here though and help them so they have nothing to worry about as far as home repairs, and help them have a more comfortable place to live all together!

Tonight when we got back to my uncles I got the best news ever! My best friend is coming home, I'm absolutely DYING to see him, it's been about 7 months since he left and I'm extremely stoked he is coming home now instead of December!!! I cannot wait to have him to call again when I need a ear to listen to all my crazy drama or a shoulder to cry on, he's the most amazing man I know and I know my little girl and I are very blessed to have him in our lives! I've missed him so much this tour and I just cannot wait to have my best bud back!!!

I will try and post again before we get home, no promises though, we have so much to do in such a short time...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

There Is A Me

There is a me, she is as happy as can be,
A smile on her face is all anyone can see
Her laughter rings loud, true and with glee
There is nothing that can stop this girl from feeling free.

There is a me, she is as elated as can be
She hugs her friends tightly, wipes their tears away,
She is their comfort, they are her everything,
She embraces her family, keeps them from going astray,
Their closeness she cannot deny, try as she may.

There is a me, she is as blissful as can be,
She floats higher than the vast blue sky,
No one can bring her down; no words can take her to the ground,
She walks life tall, and looks the world straight in the eye,
She knows she is only lost to be found, and not everything spoken is a lie.

There is a me, she is as sad as can be,
The tears spilling down her face are all anyone can see,
Her muffled sobs are a cry aching for help; she tries to hold back,
But nothing can stop this girl from feeling what she lacks.

There is a me, she is as cheerless as can be,
She hides alone in her room and is closed off to touch,
Her insides are in turmoil, and she thinks way too much,
Her heart weighs heavily, but her mind refuses to set her free.

There is a me, she is as melancholy as can be,
For her there is no future, no light to guide her way,
Her thoughts remain to herself; she has nothing to say,
Her only hope to get away is to let herself pray.

There is a me, she tries to find a balance between darkness and light,
Her feelings she writes, her dreams she no longer denies,
She accounts for her past, and her future is on the rise,
She attempts to distinguish the truth amidst the lies,
And the right from the wrong,
There is nothing that can stop this woman from singing her song.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Our New Home!

Thought I'd show off a few pictures of our new home...we absolutely LOVE it! We are not in town any more and we have some much needed peace and quiet out here, not to mention a yard!

The Living Room

The Kitchen

The Dining Room

That's all for now...I will share more later, I still need to take some of my bedroom and Mia's room...I'll spare you the spare room haha

Thursday, September 25, 2008

5 New Commandments For Me...

1. Love thyself. This one comes first. Because single moms, if you don't love yourself you won't ever feel truly content and in turn, won't be able to give 100% of yourself to your kids or significant other.

2. Thou shalt not settle. You are a single mother and yes you have your hands full with responsibilities most single and childless men can't even fathom, but this does not mean you have to settle for anything less in a relationship. You are still an incredibly desirable woman. Yes, there will be obstacles and yes some men will shy away from beginning a relationship with you. But those who do dive in will be the best of the best, the cream of the crop - the men who really, truly love you.

3. Thou shalt not punish thyself. Depending on where you live, you may feel like you have a Scarlet letter seared across your forehead. A woman with a child and a bare left finger. You may be the object of disapproving stares or shaking heads.

4. Thou shalt not live in the past. Time does heal all wounds but only if you leave the past behind you. If you live in the past you will never be able to truly appreciate the future. This means you have to let it all go. Your ex-husband. The memories of what was or what could have been. Bury them. Let the good memories live on for your children but let the could haves, should haves and would haves fall by the wayside. With that said, it's also best not to obsess about the future. Just as day dreaming about men in the past can harm you, day dreaming about a knight in shining armor to rescue you can also be just as damaging. Learn to be content with who you are - in the now. Day by day. Moment by moment.

5. Thou shalt ask for help. This is, perhaps, my greatest challenge. Single mothers, by the very nature of our existence, are fortified in this uncanny strength. That strength gets us through the toughest days, the days when we don't know how we can go on. But it can also keep us from accepting help.

Inspiration & Things To Follow...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Because we all need a few laughs...

And my blog definitely does...all these shitty posts call for an adorable and hilarious's my beautiful daughter at her cheer leading practice...TOO CUTE!!!